Quest to Solve Them All (two students from Simon Frazer University who solve many problems and document their solution strategies)
UVa Online Judge for submitting/testing problem solutions online
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116 - Unidirectional TSP
- Find an optimal-weight path through a 2-D grid.
output2(Hint: Two hard parts are the fact that you need to print out the min-weight path, and also that there can be ties that need to be broken by minimum-row-number from left to right. Think about the order in which you process columns; which ordering is better, left-to-right or right-to-left?)
Number Theory / Combinatorics; Miscellaneous Problems
Thoughts about the homework problems from last week?
This week we just did some practice problems.
There was not an overarching theme, but some of them involved number theory, so some number theory topics are listed here.
A related topic is combinatorics (the mathematics of counting).
efficiently solve a self-similar problem by storing partial results; often recursive in nature, but don't always have to use recursive code to solve it
greedy algorithms; backtracking
top-down DP: caching previously computed results, e.g. in an array or map.
Also called memoization
bottom-up DP: build a table of values upward as you go, from start (0?) up to N.
Homework: try to solve at least one of these problems.
136 - Ugly Numbers
- Find the 1500th "ugly" number whose only prime factors are 2, 3, and 5.
(Hint: How can you find the Nth "ugly" number if you know ugly numbers 1 .. N-1? What is its relationship to those numbers, to one of those numbers?)
147 - Dollars
- How many ways can you make change for a given amount in New Zealand dollars/coins?
output(Hint: Explore each dollar/coin value exhaustively, one at a time.)
111 - History Grading
- Which students' orderings of historical events have the longest sequences of events in the right order?
output2(Hint: This is essentially the longest increasing subsequence problem. But it can be tricky to understand the input for the 'correct' ordering. Input of 2 4 1 3 means that the first event goes at 1-based index #2, the second goes at index #4, etc. So it means that the correct ordering is 3 1 4 2. Be careful to represent this properly in your code.)
116 - Unidirectional TSP
- Find an optimal-weight path through a 2-D grid.
output2(Hint: Two hard parts are the fact that you need to print out the min-weight path, and also that there can be ties that need to be broken by minimum-row-number from left to right. Think about the order in which you process columns; which ordering is better, left-to-right or right-to-left?)
231 - Testing the CATCHER
- Given a set of missile launches, how many can the CATCHER defense system intercept?
May 8 2012 2:20 PM
Week 7 (5/8/2012)
Recursion and backtracking (see Programming Challenges Ch. 8)
Thoughts about the homework problems from last week?
Focus on problems best solved recursively.
recursion; identifying how a problem is self-similar
112 - Tree Summing
- given a tree and an integer, is there a root-to-leaf path that sums up to that integer?
(The hardest part is avoiding "time limit exceeded errors; think about efficiency!
StringBuilders are good; String concatenation, regular expressions, and unnecessary recursion are slow.)
110 - Meta-Loopless Sorts
- generate source code for programs that sort arrays of input without loops
299 - Train Swapping
- figure out how many swaps are needed to arrange a set of trains into order
123 - Searching Quickly
- key sentence in description: "If a word appears more than once in a title, each instance is a potential keyword."
10205 - Stack 'em Up
- perform a given set of shuffles on a deck of cards
clarification: the deck resets to its original ordering between input "cases");
torture-test input,
If you solve a problem, consider posting your solution in the message forum!
If you generate a better sample input for one of the above problems that tests some tricky cases, or if you have a hint that you want to share with others, consider posting that in the message forum, too.
Apr 10 2012 2:20 PM
Week 3 (4/10/2012)
Strings and text processing (see Programming Challenges Ch. 3)
Who still needs to get added to the course?
Thoughts about the homework problems from last week?
Mostly focus on string and text processing problems.
Homework: try to solve at least one of these problems. (Write a file that accepts the input from and produces the output to System.out. See the example for #5118.)
Homework: Create an account on Online Judge, and try to solve one or both of these problems. Look at your nearest timepiece to get a sense of how long the problems take you.